Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Keys and the Dads.

 As many of my friends know, I've been a huge fan of the Black Keys since The Big Come Up. When people were getting into the White Stripes, I was getting into the Black Keys instead.  I discovered them on a whim one day and haven't looked back since.  I've seen them live a few times and the live experience is a blast, especially when you're fueled by nine to ten budweisers.  They have gotten quite a bit popular over the past few years and I'm quite happy for them.  Just don't let me catch any teenie boppers at their shows.

I got a link via Twitter yesterday in regards to this story on WKSU where  Pat and Dans' fathers discuss their sons success.  Its a great listen and great story.

Side note: I thought this was a picture of Pat and Dan in costume.

Here's also an old video to enjoy.

The Black Keys -Thickfreaknes - Live Conan O Brian
Uploaded by theleftieslive. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

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